Julian Scordato





Sketching Sonic Trajectories software

Sketching Sonic Trajectories (SST) is a software tool for IanniX that enables multitrack audio playback and facilitates advanced spatialization control for sound design and music applications. Developed at the Department of New Technologies and Musical Languages of the Conservatory of Padua, SST offers a user interface that works in combination with IanniX, also integrating a component of ICST Ambisonics tools for 3D positional audio processing. Its main features are suitability for live/studio projects, flexibility to different electroacoustic setups and a usability-oriented graphic design approach to sound spatialization.


SST for macOS
SST for Windows

IANG new interface for musical expression

With the awareness of the importance of gesture as a contribution to the articulation and intelligibility of musical discourse and the performing arts in general, the IANG system focuses on the movements of the fingers and wrist, referring to a traditional concept of musical instrument which at the same time is expanded by the current possibilities offered by technology. By mapping gestural data to control specific parameters of digital sound processing, a close relationship can be established between performer's action and the audio output.

The IANG controller hardware is based on a dual-core processor Wi-Fi embedded board that interfaces with a high-precision 6-axis motion sensor and 5 click-less buttons activated by the performer's fingers. Its wireless ergonomic design for both hands, combined with high gesture sensitivity, allows for accurate creative control of most digital instruments via OSC or MIDI bridge.

This project was supported by SaMPL - Sound and Music Processing Lab.